Адреса:Lviska obl, m. Novyj Rozdil, vul. Girnycha, 2
Телефон: +38 (067) 3115371

Here you can use the following services:
- diamond drilling of holes in concrete, reinforced concrete and bricks;
- installation of external and internal sewerage;
- installation of rain sewer;
- installation of pressure sewer;
- installation of sewage pumping stations;
- installation of treatment facilities;
- installation of external and internal water supply;
- installation of fire extinguishing systems;
- installation of heating systems;
- installation of external heating systems;
- installation of boilers;
- installation of automation systems;
- Installation of technological equipment;
- construction of engineering structures;
- electrical work;
- adjustment works;
- service.
Види економічної діяльності